Like tomatoes cucumber is actually a fruit however people think of it as a vegetable and use it in different ways for preparing food, using in cosmetology or eating raw. The taste of cucumbers is mild, watery; almost melon-like thus makes it a very refreshing product to eat in a hot summer day. Although cucumbers have very few calories (approx. 15 in 100g) they certainly don’t lack important nutrients.
Weight Loss
We all probably have heard about the foods which ‘burn’ calories. This theory is based on calculations that as cucumber are lower in calories than your body burns to digest it. The truth is though that this is just a theory. There is no scientific evidence which would observe that someone ever lost weight because of eating cucumber in correlation with burning calories. The energy which is used during digestion is also not much more significant than having a short walk therefore it would be hard to make experiments to investigate these claims further. It doesn’t mean though that cucumber would have no effect at all to the weight loss. It definitely is a low-calorie food which will fill you up with water. Eaten with the skin cucumber will provide good amounts of dietary fibre which lowers the GI. Cucumbers like apples are however one of the most pesticide-sprayed plants therefore it is very important to was and clean cucumbers properly or buy organic produce. The most delicious cucumber anyway is a local, fresh and crunchy cucumber eaten soon after picking.
Tonic for the well-being
Although not in great amounts cucumbers don’t lack any major micro-nutrient. Starting from vitamins A and C, B complex up to Potassium and Magnesium, you can find them all in cucumber (Read more on these in articles about seeds and vegetables). The amounts in cucumber of these will help your body to bring the acidity down as cucumber is quite alkaline. Because of the electrolytes and water cucumbers are diuretic and stimulate urination.
There has also been found a correlation between eating cucumbers and other white flesh fruits (for example apples) and reduced risk of stroke.
Due to their folic acid and other vitamin presence, cucumbers are very beneficial for pregnant women. More recent studies have also found that they might lower the risk for the infants to get diabetes type I if the mother consumed cucumbers. These properties might be held by the vitamins C and E. Vitamin C is also an antioxidant which has been claimed to help prevent cancer.
Fruity vegetables like cucumbers and tomatoes also reduce likeliness of suffering from childhood asthma and different respiratory-linked allergies. Minerals and vitamins in these products help to reduce inflammation of airways and protect against oxidative damage.
Prevents Stress induced illnesses
So called ‘’stress molecules’’ are also reduced in the body when regularly eating cucumber containing foods. The immunity becomes stronger firstofall because of higher levels of vitamin C present in the body. This makes you more resistant to any infections. Uric thanks to cucumbers is removed from the circulation thus preventing goat and associated cardiovascular illnesses.
Benefits of eating cucumber:
- Reduce stress damage
- Strengthens immunity
- Prevent childhood allergies and asthma
- Reduce risk of Diabetes Type I
- Contributes to weight loss
- Help to maintain the body’s pH normal
- Provide variety of essential micro-nutrients
- Source of anti-oxidants
- Reduce risk of stroke and cardiovascular illnesses
- Have effect on managing hearts rhythm
- Help to maintain healthy pregnancy
Keep choosing healthy options like these when needing snacks, Good luck with all your healthy eating.