Protein Controls Hunger...
Protein satisfies you like no other nutrient. Protein-rich foods when eaten send signals to the brain that stop you from feeling hungry for hours. More so than either carbohydrate or fat.As your body digests protein it's broken down into amino acids. Some of these enter the brain and affect the signals controlling how hungry or full you feel.Essentially, the balance of amino acids tells the hypothalamus, the part of the brain that controls your apetite that you are full and to stop eating.
Furthermore, your body can digest and store very little protein.
Your body can store virtually unlimited amounts of fat and you can eat a lot of calories before you feel full. Think chocolate! Fat is the least satisfying terms of your hunger that is!
Your body can store around 500-600 calories of carbohydrate in the muscles, liver and blood, so you can eat quite a few calories of carbohydrate-rich foods before you feel full. A whole bowl of pasta for instance. Carbs are more satisfying than fat.
However, your body can store very little protein and can deal with around 25-50 grams in one go - a chicken breast or two. The result is you get full fast when eating protein-rich foods.
Think you could eat a 24 oz steak, a whole chicken, a couple of tins of tuna in one sitting!
Now we're not talking the Atkins Diet here, although he was right about the effects of protein on weight loss. Protein is one of the best foods that promote weight loss because, simply put, if you eat a diet rich in protein you will automatically eat less.
A 300-500 calorie meal with lots of protein will fill you up far more and for longer than a plate of carbs with the equivalent calorie content.
Protein Boosts Your Metabolism...
A slow metabolism, due to a sedentary lifestyle, irregular eating habits or constant dieting means that you're more likely to store fat and gain weight.
So, eating a diet rich in protein will help to keep your body in fat burning mode rather than fat storing mode for longer.
The result, you're more likely to burn fat and lose weight when you eat some protein foods that promote weight loss with each meal.
Protein Counters the Effects of Insulin...
When you eat sugary or starchy carbs they are quickly broken down into sugar and enter your bloodstream. Your body produces the hormone insulin to regulate your blood sugar level.You either burn the sugar to supply energy for exercise or every day activities, or it's sent off to be stored as fat. Insulin is your fat storing hormone.When you eat protein, glugagon is produced and this helps to counteract the effects of insulin.
Eating protein foods that promote weight loss and fewer carbs helps to control blood sugar levels, increase glucagon production and reduce the need for insulin production. Result? You're less likely to store fat and more likely to lose weight!
Dietary Protein Spares Muscle Tissue...
Muscle is responsible for most of the calories your body burns each day. Muscle tissue is composed of protein. Generally, the more muscle tissue you have, the more calories you burn each day.When dieting, or starving, your body breaks down and burns muscle tissue for energy. Eating sufficient protein foods that promote weight loss helps to spare muscle tissue, which is a good thing as you'll burn more calories and lose more weight.Protein Helps You Feel Good...
Protein foods contain large quanties of the amino acids tyrosine and tryptophan, which increase the production in your brain of the feel good neurotransmitters serotonin and dopamine.Dopamine helps to increase your concentration, mental energy and alertness.As a result, a protein-rich diet full of the foods that promote weight loss will help you to feel focussed, positive and on track. A positive mind set and mental attitude will greatly enhance your chances of successfully losing weight and keeping it off!
Protein May Help You Look Younger...
Not strictly a weight loss tip, more a bonus really! There is some good evidence that a diet rich in protein foods can protect and repair your skin.Over 80% of the damage our skin suffers on a day to day basis is caused by exposure to the sun. Covering up and wearing a high skin protection factor sunscreen helps, but you'll still experience some damage and premature ageing, visible as lines and wrinkles.Your skin's tone and elasticity is due to collagen fibres, which are largely composed of protein. Protein in the diet can help replenish the skin's collagen and keep it looking more youthful.
After all, dietary protein is used to repair our bodies and without an adequate protein intake, the constant repair that our bodies require is compromised, resulting in premature ageing. As your body can store little protein, a regular intake is essential.
Some studies have shown that oily fish are particularly valuable in this respect as they contain chemicals that cause contraction in the muscles under the skin, again improving skin tone.
See why we think protein is one of the foods that promote weight loss?An adequate daily protein intake means you'll feel less hungry, have more energy, burn more fat, feel good, feel alert, feel positive, have fewer sugar spikes and cravings - and you may even end up looking younger as well!super foods:#1. Beans
They're a low fat, relatively low calorie source of protein and are packed full of fiber.
#2. Blueberries
Packed full of a range of nutrients, including vitamin C, folic acid and carotenoids. They also contain anthocyanins, which are the main phytonutrients found in purple fruits.
These are powerful antioxidants that strengthen skin, muscle and connective tissues. They may also prevent age-related decline in brain function. Try a handful in a smoothie or with a bowl of meusli.
#3. Broccoli
Every child's favourite - not! Kale, Bok Choy and Brussels Sprouts are good alternatives.
Broccoli contains the phytonutrients sulforaphane and isothyiocyanate, which can eliminate carcinogens from the body and help prevent cancer.
#4. Oats
A good source of fibre, particularly soluble fibre, which will fill you up, keeps you feeling fuller for longer and can help to reduce blood cholesterol levels. Oats also release their carbs slowly, which helps to keep blood sugar levels stable.
#5. Oranges
Rich in vitamin C and flavanoids, antioxidants that help to prevent heart disease and various cancers. The peel contains limonene, which may also have anti-cancer benefits.
#6. Pumpkin
Also rich in vitamin C as well as alpha and beta carotene. These are carotenoids that are effective antioxidants and help prevent cancer and protect your vision.
Perhaps the least widely available of the 14 superfoods, so carrots, squash or sweet potatoes are good alternatives.
#7. Wild salmon
Rich in omega-3 fatty acids, which can lower your risk of cardiovascular disease and may also have some weight loss benefits. Salmon is also an excellent source of protein. 3-4 servings a week is recommended.
#8. Soy
The only complete vegetable protein. There's good evidence that 25g of soy protein a day can significantly reduce your risk of heart disease.
Try incorporating soy milk, tofu and soy nuts into your daily diet.
#9. Spinach
A good source of iron and calcium, spinach is also rich in the phytonutrients lutein and zeaxanthin. These become concentrated in the retina of the eye and help to prevent cataracts and age-related macular degeneration, one of the leading causes of blindness.
#10. Tea
Both green and black tea contain powerful antioxidants that may prevent heart disease and some cancers. Green tea may also confer some weight loss benefits.
4-6 cups of green tea a day is the amount recommended to confer the health benefits. Tea is high in caffeine, so you may want to try decaffinated tea.
#11. Tomatoes
Contains the phytonutrient lycopene, a potent antioxidant and one of the most powerful of all free radical scavengers. It may help to reduce the risk of heart disease and various cancers such as prostate and lung cancer.
#12. Turkey breast
Skinless, this is the leanest animal protein source. A 3.5oz/100g serving contains 150 calories, 28g of protein and around 1g of fat
Skinless chicken breast is a little higher in fat but a good alternative.
#13. Walnuts
All nuts contain good fats that can help to reduce your blood cholesterol levels. Walnuts are probably the best source of omega-3 fatty acids.
Studies show that a handful of 14 walnut halves, which is around 150 calories, eaten five times a week can reduce your risk of cardiovascular disease by 15-50%.
#14. Yoghurt
Dairy products are a great source of protein and calcium, essential for healthy bones and teeth. Research has also shown a link between consuming 1,000mg a day of calcium and weight loss.
Live yoghurt has the added benefit of healthy bacteria like lactobacillus acidophilis, which are important for your digestive health and may help to prevent certain cancers like colon cancer.