Sunday, 4 September 2011

Problems losing weight?

Having Problems Losing Weight?

Have you tried and tried to lose weight, but never see results? You may not know it, but there are some things you could be doing that are preventing you from achieving your goals.
Here are some examples of possible reasons why you aren’t losing weight:
1) Drinking too Much
Alcohol may not contain fat, but it does have calories, very high calories. Unless you’re running a few miles after your party binge, your body will use the calories from the alcohol and store the ones from healthy meals.
Another aspect of too much drinking, is drinking soda in excess. Soda is loaded with sugar, too much in fact, that it raises your blood sugar level to a scary height.
2) Not Enough Exercise, and Lack of Quality Exercise
In order to keep a trim figure, exercise is essential. Lack of exercise slows your metabolism, or essentially, your ability to burn calories. You should strive to be active all throughout the day, and get in solid exercise about 30 minutes at least 5 times a week.
Also, it is important to diversify your workout regimen. Doing the same routine everyday gets boring, and tends to train your muscles to that routine, and thus, making your workout far less effective.
3) Skipping Meals
Eating less does not necessarily mean you’ll lose weight. The disbelief that lack of food will help you stay thin leads many people to skip out on getting the nutrients they need for survival. By skipping meals, your body gets the signal that there is a period of famine, it’s called starvation mode.
When your body hits starvation mode, you have a lowered metabolic rate, strong hunger pains, and any food you do eat, the fatty substances get stored.
4) Excess Salt and Sugar
Eating processed foods, which contain high levels of both sugar and salt, causes increased blood sugar levels which makes the body have to work to lower them back to normal. Because of this, a lot of the sugar you eat is stored as body fat.
It confuses people that although they may be eating fat free foods, the sugar content builds up and eventually becomes fat.
5) Lack of Water
For the average person, it is important to consume at least 6 8 ounce glasses of water daily. If you don’t intake enough fluid, your body loses its ability to hydrate, and you become thirsty all the time. Water also boosts energy so your workouts are more effective, and losing weight is easier.

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