Wednesday, 19 September 2012

Healthy Body, Healthy Joints!

It's not a secret that running is the best ways to burn fat, lose weight and to maintain that weight loss.It can burn up to 10-13 calories per minute depending on your age, weight and present fitness levels. Unlike some forms of exercise like biking, running works both your upper and lower body, working your core and postural muscles.

Recommendation are to start off very slowly and build you time and pace gradually. This is one of the most effective ways to lose weight. Another good reason to run is to reduce your risk of Osteoarthritis. If you are over weight you are putting a lot of pressure on your knee joints, five times more likely to develop arthritis in the knees.

Sticking to regular running, 3 times a week, so you constantly challenge your body and keep burning calories, will help keep the weight down.It also means you can indulge into your favourite treats occasionally, without feeling guilty.

Happy exercising everyone!

Monday, 17 September 2012

Health Benefits Of Porridge - Helps To Quit Smoking - STOPTOBER

Porridge oats can boost libido by helping to re-balance testosterone and oestrogen in the body. Testosterone drives sexual desire in both sexes. Men with low testosterone levels go off sex.

Oats neutralise acidity levels in the body and help absorb toxins. Since a hangover is the result of the "poisonous" effects of alcohol, a bowl of porridge might help relieve the symptoms.
Porridge also contains one of the highest levels of soluble fibre of any cereal. Soluble fibre is essential for healthy digestion. Since alcohol depletes sugar levels, the slow-releasing carbohydrates in porridge help redress this.

Compounds in oats can help calm the nervous system and reduce the craving for nicotine.

Bathing in oat-based solutions can help problem skin. Anecdotal evidence suggests that the anti-inflammatory compounds in porridge oats can help conditions such as psoriasis and eczema. Fill a sock or stocking with porridge oats and place in water for 20 minutes while bathing.

Of all the cereals, porridge has the best proportion of protein needed for growth and repair in the body and to help boost the immune system.

Many studies have shown that eating fibre-rich food such as porridge reduces the risk of heart disease. But scientists in the U.S. found that porridge contains avenanthramides - chemicals that stop blood cells sticking to artery walls, preventing the fatty deposits that cause heart disease.

Digested foods such as porridge might cut the risk of developing non-insulin dependent diabetes by absorbing sugar from the gut and cutting the need for large quantities of insulin to be released.

The slow releasing complex carbohydrates in oats sustain energy levels, allowing full concentration to be maintained. Complex carbohydrates also stabilise and raise blood sugar levels.

Porridge is high in Vitamin B6, which promotes the brain chemical serotonin. High levels of serotonin are associated with feelings of well-being and also aid relaxation and restful sleep. Levels of serotonin dip when sunlight is limited - i.e. during winter - and can lead to the depressive condition Seasonal Affective Disorder.

Porridge oats are high in complex carbohydrates and soluble fibre, which means they release energy slowly. A bowl of porridge should provide all the energy you need until lunchtime.

A study of 10,000 children by researchers at New York's Columbia University found that among those who regularly ate whole-oat products, the proportion of overweight children almost halved.
Researchers at Oxford Brookes University also found that those eating foods with a low glycaemic index (GI), such as porridge, were less likely to binge on sugary snacks. Foods with a low GI rating release glucose into the body more slowly and evenly, leaving you feeling fuller for longer.

Porridge is rich in soluble fibre, which has been shown to lower blood cholesterol. High cholesterol occurs when fat builds up and constricts the arteries, reducing blood flow to the heart. Eating oats can improve blood flow and bind to cholesterol in the gut, aiding its removal from the body. Scientists think the cholesterol-lowering effects of oats are due to the oat soluble fibre beta-glucan.

High-fibre foods such as porridge increase the movement of food through the digestive tract.
This increased bowel action provides a good environment for beneficial bacteria in the gut to ferment while decreasing levels of destructive bacteria.

Porridge oats are blended with milk, making an excellent source of calcium which is essential for bone health. Lack of calcium can lead to osteoporosis, which involves a loss of bone density and can make bones fragile.

Porridge oats are 100 per cent natural, with no added sugar, salt or additives, and are naturally low in calories. An average bowl of porridge made with water contains 171 calories.

Porridge is a source of folic acid. Studies have shown that taking folic acid from before conception until the 12th week of pregnancy can reduce the chances of having a baby with spina bifida. Pregnant women need 400mcg of folic acid a day.

Oats are rich in the antioxidant vitamin E, which protects the body from the damaging free radicals that can cause cancer. A diet high in soluble fibre foods such as porridge oats might also help reduce the chances of developing bowel, colon and breast cancer.

Porridge is a good source of manganese, which is essential in allowing the body to produce energy as well as helping to build bones and connective tissue. It also contains zinc, which is needed for normal growth, sexual development and reproduction, and a healthy immune system.

A daily serving of oats can improve blood pressure control and reduce the need for anti-hypertensive medication, according to U.S. researchers - 73 per cent of those fed a wholegrain oat-based cereal (containing 3g of soluble fibre) stopped or reduced their blood pressure medication by half.

Britain's longest living man, David Henderson, from Montrose, Scotland, who died in 1998 at 109, attributed his age and good health to a daily bowl of porridge. This could be because the lipids present in oats contain a good balance of essential fatty acids which have been linked to longevity and general good health.

Sunday, 16 September 2012

Defiantly supporting this! Stop Smoking!

Stoptober campaign will encourage smokers to quit for 28 days

Smokers are being asked to give up smoking for 28 days from 1 October in the first ever mass quit attempt launched today by the Chief Medical Officer Professor Dame Sally Davies.
The innovative campaign, Stoptober, is backed by Cancer Research UK and the British Heart Foundation, and is the first 28-day quit attempt of its kind to encourage the nation’s 8 million smokers to give up.
People who stop smoking for 28 days are 5 times more likely to stay smokefree, so smokers who sign up will be given support and encouragement throughout the month.
They will be able to download the Stoptober app (available free from the Smokefree website) and access the Smokefree Facebook page where they will get additional tips and advice. They will also get a daily message providing additional support and encouragement throughout the month.
Smokers interested in giving up can search for ‘Stoptober’ online, or ask their local pharmacist for a free support pack. Smoking remains the biggest cause of premature death in England and is responsible for the loss of more than 100,000 lives in the UK every year.
For more information visit

Sunday, 9 September 2012


Still eating too much salt...

Figures recently released by the Blood Pressure Association suggest that people in the uk eat more than 425 million grams of salt a day, taking the annual total to more than 155 billion grams (or the equivalent of the weight of 26,000 African elephants).

" This new analysis shows the huge and unnecessary amount of salt we are all eating," says Professor Graham MacGregor, chairman of the Blood Pressure Association.

"This puts up our blood pressure causing strokes, heart attacks and heart failure. as well as increasing the risk of kidney disease, stomach cancer and Osteoporosis."

According to experts, adults in the uk currently each consume around 8.6g of salt every day, compared to the recommended amount of just 6g a day.

Tuesday, 4 September 2012

Runners/Exercisers - Mood Booster - Mental Health

Going for a run is almost guaranteed to put a smile on your face, but when it comes to the mental health benefits of running, is there a difference between doing harder sessions and running for fun?

When it comes to happiness and good mental health, its well known that exercise gives you a great boost. In fact a recent survey by mental health charity called Mind, conducted as part of its Economics project, found that 94 per cent of respondents said green exercise ( exercising outdoors in nature )improved there mental health. As a runner this can go further still - you are no doubt familiar with that "runners high" you get. This occurs because exercise releases endorphins (the feel good hormones) which has an effect similar to taking an anti-depressant. So, if exercise is nature's natural happiness drug. We all should put on our trainers more often.

Little and Often

You dont need to be out running for hours at a time to get the feel good benefits, either. Running 3 times a week for 30minutes each time is enough to start relieving stress and start making you feel better about yourself. The effects are pretty immediate. It also does not matter what kind of run you do, whether it is a short run or long, you will still feel much better than when you started.

Sometimes setting yourself a challenge keeps you in check and focused. Learn to enjoy your runs, never push yourself to fast to quickly, if your body is saying you cant then stop, if you feel tired, then rest, never feel guilty for having a rest. As well as having a top mental health state it is also important to feel physically fit, if its a rest then take one, as injuries occur when your muscles are not rested or over training. Although there are so many reasons of injuries but to avoid them listen to your body!

Happy exercising everyone...

Sunday, 2 September 2012


Your mother may have told you to drink more water when you were young, but you may ignored the advice. As being a logical person, you need reasons on why spending all those time to drink water. Here you go – The Ririan Project gives 10 reasons why drinking water is good for you.
  • Get Healthy Skin
  • Flush Toxins
  • Reduce Your Risk Of Heart Attack
  • Cushion And Lube Your Joints And Muscles
  • Get Energized And Be Alert
  • Stay Regular
  • Reduce Your Risk Of Disease And Infection
  • Regulate Your Body Temperature
  • Burn More Fat And Build More Muscle
  • Get Well