Monday, 18 July 2011


Power Walking!

The most recommended way to lose weight is power walking. There is no high impact like there would be with running on concrete.

Minimum of 20mins per day. You can add it in on the way to  work, on the way back from dropping the kids off at school or even an evening walk.

Techniques: Feet hip width apart, Knees soft (not locked), back neutral, arms by your side, shoulders relaxed and head facing forward. you this throughout your walking keep reminding yourself, as the more tired you get the techniques start lacking.

you can do interval training: 1 minute comfortable/fast walk, then next minute power walk. Go between the 2.

How to power walk: follow the techniques above but this time have your arms bent 90degrees by your side, and your feet use as if your on a tightrope. one step forward and the other foot half a foot behind. Now pick up the pace as if you would break into a run. Again you can do interval training of a minute or use object around you like, trees or lam posts etc.

Drink plenty of water and if you are starting out with this, let us know how you get on.

Happy exercising.

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